Atlanta Truck Accident Lawyer

Accidents involving 18-wheelers, tractor-trailers, and other large trucks are nearly always disastrous. These types of accidents tend to cause serious traumatic injury and property damage. Smaller vehicles, such as passenger cars, don’t stand much of a chance when a large truck crashes into them, and such cars can be crushed or mangled beyond recognition. Those who survive large truck accidents typically have serious injuries as well as long-lasting psychological effects, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Don’t hire a lawyer just because he or she called you out of the blue. Instead, do your own research, and know that an Atlanta truck accident attorney at The Dixon Firm, P.C. has the experience and dedication to win for you.
Negligent Truck Drivers in Georgia
With such large vehicles at their command, truck drivers have a responsibility and a duty of care to other drivers on the road to follow all traffic and truck safety laws to prevent accidents. In fact, truck drivers have a set of special rules, in federal regulations and state driver manuals, that passenger vehicle drivers do not have to adhere to. This is because these big rigs are especially dangerous. Unfortunately, many truck drivers fail to follow the proper rules and guidelines for road safety. Truck drivers may cause an accident through mistakes or oversights or using a vehicle that isn’t safe for the road. Either way, negligence on the part of truck drivers or their employers leads to many devastating truck accidents every year. Some common examples of truck driver negligence include:
- Drowsy driving
- Distracted driving
- Impaired or drunk driving
- Reckless driving
- Road rage
Drivers who allow these types of negligent behaviors to affect their driving are risking the health and safety of every driver who shares the road with them. If you or somebody you love was injured in a collision caused by a negligent truck driver in Georgia, you may wish to speak with a personal injury lawyer experienced in truck accident claims. He or she can help you understand your available legal options and how to best move forward with your individual situation.
Georgia Truck Driver Laws
The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued several rules to govern the trucking industry. In Georgia, the Department of Public Safety administers these federal laws as well as setting minimum safety standards for all vehicles classified as large trucks (those with a gross weight of 10,001 pounds or more).
One of the main federal laws that govern truck drivers is the Hours of Service (HOS) law. This law requires truck drivers to rest for at least 10 hours after 11 hours of driving or 14 hours “on duty” – which includes activities such as loading and unloading their truck or fueling. HOS law also covers other rest requirements for drivers, such as taking time off-duty after an extended period of time on duty in a 7-day period.
The reason that HOS laws are so important is that drowsy driving on the part of truck drivers is one of the leading causes of truck accidents, and it can have catastrophic consequences. Truck drivers tend to be under immense pressure from their employers to meet deadlines for delivery, so they have an incentive to push themselves to drive past the point where it’s safe for them to be on the road. A drowsy truck driver who falls asleep at the wheel, even momentarily, can cause a major accident leading to serious injury or death for other drivers and passengers. HOS laws exist to help eliminate the risk of a truck accident caused by drowsy driving.
Liability After a Truck Accident in Georgia
Truck drivers typically operate commercial vehicles, so they tend to have special insurance (depending on the load they’re carrying). Companies that employ truck drivers also generally have liability insurance as well. If a truck driver’s negligent behavior behind the wheel leads to an accident that injures other people, the truck accident victims can hire an Atlanta truck accident lawyer and hold both the truck driver and his or her employer responsible. Victims can hold a truck driver liable for negligent behavior or lapses in judgment, while the company that employs the driver can be liable for negligent hiring, training, or supervision. Sometimes, faulty parts within the truck itself can malfunction and cause an accident. In this case, the part manufacturer or person responsible for maintaining the vehicle may be held liable for damages.
The Dixon Firm, P.C. | Trusted Atlanta Truck Accident Attorneys
Contact The Dixon Firm, P.C. to see if you believe you have grounds for a claim following a truck accident in Georgia. But whether you hire us or someone else, do so QUICKLY, as the truck company and insurance company have likely already had someone at the scene gathering evidence. You need someone on your side to work quickly and with diligence. Call our office at 888-DIXON-11 or by filling out our online contact form.